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simple classifier中文是什么意思

用"simple classifier"造句"simple classifier"怎么读"simple classifier" in a sentence


  • 普通分粒器


  • Its basic thought is that using amass of simple classifier which has common classified ability and through thecertain method , at last , constitutes a very strong classifier which has strongclassified ability carries on many times with this strong classifier to the goalpictures , finally confirmed the pictures whether includes the human face andits the general position this algorithm uses a characteristic which called haar characteristic thischaracteristic is one kind of simple rectangular characteristic , because it issimilar with the haar wavelet , so called haar characteristic this kind ofcharacteristic is composed of two or many rectangles that are congruent andneighboring there are white and black kinds of rectangles in the characteristictemplate , and defines this characteristic template characteristic value as thewhite rectangle this characteristic value is that the difference between white
用"simple classifier"造句  
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